Team Quantabio: Ruth Rottscheidt, Sales

Outside of Europe and North America, we rely on an extensive network of world-class distributors to sell Quantabio reagents and products. We’re incredibly fortunate to have Ruth Rottscheidt, senior director of sales, to oversee sales activity across the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa (AMEA). She has been in this role with Quantabio since 2019 and holds a PhD in genetics from the University of Cologne and a master’s in biology from the University of Bonn. Ruth is based in Germany.

Q: What do you do at Quantabio?

A: I’m responsible for management of the distribution partners in all the different countries in the AMEA region. That list is constantly being expanded; part of my job involves evaluating new partners. For AMEA we currently have 22 partners in more than 40 countries. My team and I support the partners with whatever they need to represent Quantabio and sell our products. That includes training them on the products, discussing sales and marketing strategy, going to sales conferences, and being their contact for any question they might have. At Quantabio we really believe in the power of collaboration. We want to enable our partners to bring our products to new customers.

Q: What brought you to the company?

A: I was originally with Quantabio from 2012 to 2014, but in a more behind-the-scenes role. I took other jobs after that, but came back to this company in 2019. It was growing so successfully and they needed someone to cover the AMEA region. It was a natural fit and I was happy to come back. What is special about Quantabio is really the great team. We work very closely together and everybody’s very respectful about how they treat others. It’s such a pleasant work environment with flat hierarchies, which enables us to turn around things very quickly. The other important thing is that our products are very good. That’s really important for sales!

Q: What’s the best thing about your job?

A: Its versatility. My job is never boring! I get to interact with many different cultures, so even routine tasks are never exactly the same. Every country has something specific so we can’t work with a one-size-fits-all solution. We need to employ tailor-made strategies to ensure the right approach for each country and culture. It’s exciting to meet so many people from so many different places.

Q: What do you wish more people knew about Quantabio?<>

A: With so many reagent suppliers doing similar things, I want customers to know how much thought is put into the product development at Quantabio. We are always trying to come up with reagents that are superior — products that deliver high performance, sensitivity, and robustness — while at the same time being very easy to use. Usually if you do something quick and easy in the lab, you compromise performance, but we don’t let that happen.

Q: Fill in the blank: Better reagents lead to ______.

A: Reliable results, easier workflows, and time savings. Users can really trust our reagents for delivering consistent performance. Having that security and peace of mind is key, e.g. for routine testing applications where reliable results are the base for important decisions. If you have confidence in your reagents you don’t need to troubleshoot, and that frees up capacity and time to do other things.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

A: Whenever possible I do something outdoors in nature, preferably on a hike. I’m inside all day so I need a little bit of movement.

Q: What’s your ideal vacation?

A: Nothing relaxes me more than being outside, listening to the sounds of nature — wind in the trees, waves, bird songs, insects buzzing. For my job I like to explore exciting places with lots of adventures, but for holidays, I want to feel like I’m coming home and relaxing. It’s nice to return to a place you know. For me, that’s often Spain or Italy.