Quantabio Blog

    Team Quantabio: Monal Patel, Technical Services

    Team Quantabio: Monal Patel, Technical S...

    2 min read

    Here at Quantabio, we pride ourselves on building robust kits and reagents that will work reliably for our customers. But we know that even with the best products, customers may still need an assist from time to time. That’s why we count on...

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    Team Quantabio: Monal Patel, Technical Services

    Team Quantabio: Monal Patel, Technical Services

    2 min read
    Here at Quantabio, we pride ourselves on building robust kits and reagents that will work reliably for our customers. But we know that even ...
    Here’s Looking at Q: Tiny Size, Giant Power

    Here’s Looking at Q: Tiny Size, Giant Power

    1 min read
    Q is so much more than the tech-toting genius behind James Bond. It’s also the beloved, ultra-portable thermal cycler from Quantabio. (Thoug...
    Sanger Team: Quantabio’s repliQa HiFi ToughMix Is the ‘Enzyme of Choice’ for NGS Prep

    Sanger Team: Quantabio’s repliQa HiFi ToughMix Is the ‘Enzyme of Choice’ for NGS Prep

    2 min read
    UPDATE (April 5, 2024) - This preprint has now been published in Microbial Genomics, a journal from the Microbiology Society. The paper can ...
    2023 in Review: A List of Favorites

    2023 in Review: A List of Favorites

    3 min read
    Now Available: Step-by-Step Video Tutorials for sparQ NGS Products

    Now Available: Step-by-Step Video Tutorials for sparQ NGS Products

    1 min read
    There are two kinds of people in this world: those who pore over the IKEA assembly instructions, and those who find online videos to follow ...
    At ID-Labor, DNA Extraction Kits from Quantabio Boost Performance for Profiling Services

    At ID-Labor, DNA Extraction Kits from Quantabio Boost Performance for Profiling Services

    1 min read
    For a German service laboratory specializing in DNA profiling, a short-term fix to supply chain issues led to long-term reductions in costs ...